Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Productivity feels good!

Practicing today was more like it: 14 minutes of P.E-D.'s warm-up, 18 minutes memorizing F Major Maquarre (WITH SUCCESS!), 15 minutes working on accents in La Montaine, 18 minutes on orchestra music, 28 minutes working on phrasing and technique in Saint-Saens and 27 minutes doing a Trevor Wye trill exercise to help with that piece. So two hours of practicing, PLUS a half-hour coaching PLUS 90 minutes of orchestra. Four hours of playing today, woohoo!!!

THEN, thanks to a large caramel vanilla latte at 1:30, I went running. And I ran SO FAST! And didn't get tired! It was a miracle. I felt so good. I love sweating! I wish I sweat as much when I played flute as I do when I run ("be careful what you wish for?"), because sweating just makes me feel so productive. It's a physical manifestation, just like the number of calories burnt that comes up on the treadmill when you're done working out. There's none of that in flute. And perhaps that's why writing's easier for me, too...because lots words on a page look pretty to me, even if they don't necessarily read so prettily.

Ended the day at a great concert by Eric Edberg (see blogroll!), my very talented accompanist Nariaki Sugiura and his very talented girlfriend and cellist Yeon-Ji. The program was ever-unique Menotti, too-long-for-comfort Brahms and an absolutely brilliant Kabalevsky concerto! Dr. Edberg was experimenting with having the audience clap between movements. It started out a great idea; his seminar class had made signs and jumped up and yelled and waved them--it was like a rock concert and added some spirit. However, I suspect that some people forced applause, which, after certain largo or adagio movements, sounded rather stilted and inappropriate.

Also reading some very angry Tromlitz, more on him later. For now, BED. And listening to the Coathangers. I love all music so.

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