Saturday, September 19, 2009

Who's the worst practice logger ever?

That's totally me. Right here. Give me a minute to raise my hands in the air like I just don't care.

But I'm a pretty decent practicer, considering how my week went personally. I practiced about 45 minutes yesterday--15 minutes of P.E.D. and a quick run-through of La Montaine and C.P.E. Bach. Today, I did around 90 minutes (this is why the logging is bad), but I forgot my phone and iPod and I wasn't wearing a watch. So I don't know how long I practiced each thing, but I'm going to guess 15 minutes of P.E.D. melodies, 25 of Maquarre (I have up to Eb solidly memorized and am working on Ab), then some woodshedding on the pieces for the CFC competition next week...first La Montaine, then C.P.E. Bach (I think that's how I'm going to record it, too. Playing the slow movement in the middle is pretty smart...I get the minimum amount of fatigue from that). Then worked on the 2 Saint-Saens pieces for 20 minutes tops.

Woo hoo! Practicing on the weekend!

I drove 30 miles to get to Barnes and Noble today because I watch too much TV and I need a new book to read (I bought A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace). While I was in the car I put my iPod on shuffle and I was really proud of how awesome my taste in music is. Here's what came up: X-Ray Spex, Dvorak, Berlioz, Pavement, the Beach Boys, Okkervil River, the Shins, Passion Pit, Guster, John Lennon, Berio, Morton Feldman, the Beatles, Crystal Antlers, Wire, The Who, and Bob Dylan.

Told you. Awesome. Well-rounded and awesome. Though I only listed Pavement once up there, my iPod played 3 Pavement songs on shuffle during 60 minues of driving. I think it knows that they got back together and is celebrating! (Go to Pitchfork in the blogroll for more info)

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